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For what fumigation why should be?

Many countries around the world use fumigation as a treatment method for controlling pest infestations in agricultural products. Although methyl bromide fumigation is acknowledged having potential negative impact on the environment, yet so far it is considered as the most appropriate treatment method in eradication of pest infestation in plants and plant products. In view of its effectiveness on all life stages of insect-pests, the use of methyl bromide is allowed for pre-shipment treatments and quarantine purposes including ISPM-15 compliance under the Montreal protocol and any other critical use exemptions subject to approval by the United Nations Environment Protection Agency. Phytosanitary regulations in many countries require certain commodities to be fumigated before export. The fumigation treatment must be indicated on the Phytosanitary certificate or on the fumigation certificate issued by an approved fumigation agency. This certificate must accompany the consignment and clearly specify the fumigation treatment. Additionally, ISPM-15 recognizes methyl bromide

fumigation as one of the approved treatments for wood packaging materials, including dunnage, and requires that treated wood materials be marked accordingly.